március 24. 14:00 - május 5. 15:00
március 29.10:00 - 15:00
április 2.09:00 - 12:00
április 3.17:00 - 19:00
április 8.17:00 - 19:00
Welcome to the Institute of Cultural Studies
The University of Szeged has been outstandingly successful in the Erasmus+ Programme; based on the Partnership Agreements of the 12 Faculties of the University of Szeged, a multitude of Erasmus+ exchanges have taken place with our numerous European partner Universities.
The Institute of Cultural Studies of the Juhász Gyula Faculty of Education of the University of Szeged, with its history dating back to many decades, trains cultural mediators, community coordinators, adult education professionals and librarians.
We offer the following BA and MA Programmes:
Our institute has a vibrant student life and we offer a rich selection of cultural programs, as the chosen profession of our students is the coordination of cultural and social life. The institute has its own student club and library. Our mentor students are there to help you, should you need any assistance.
We warmly welcome students and lecturers from Institutes with similar profiles.
While spending a semester in Szeged you can familiarize yourself with the exciting cultural and student life of Szeged.
The Institute of Cultural Studies offers the following courses for Erasmus students within the framework of the Erasmus Partnership Agreements:
Contact: Dr. Habil. Keczer Gabriella, Institute Erasmus coordinator